Sunday, September 18, 2005

Hurting all over

I am so accident prone.

Yesterday, in a haste, to retrieve my phone, I hit my shin against this short stool and one big "baluku".

Today was no exception at work. Worst was having this really big caucasian guest (who didn't notice me walking behind him) moving backwards into me and his arm jabbed my boobs.

Ouch. Wince. Ouch.

Fingers got cut washing ash trays and holding onto too many carlsberg bottles at one time.

My heart is bruised too.


I had wanted to retort something rude back to The Boy when he made such a GRR remark to me. Poo. Bit my tongue and offered back a "So now I am a champion" statement instead.

So there, I thought the "Caring Heart" pastry I got for him would have been some peace tribute/truce offering to him but sadly, the war is still raging.

I'll let this pass.


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