Thursday, September 29, 2005

Some kind soul help me please?!

Overnight, the pain has increased tenfold that it has gone beyond my threshold. And I am, one with a rather low tolerance for physical pain.

Fucketty Fuck.

I thought nothing of it last night, continuing to jump about even after the twisted ankle. I mean, I could still walk without a limp (yet) basically. So there I thought, "No harm done."

The idea of having to hobble my way to the school clinic to get the busted ankle checked and getting help for my can't-seem-to-charge-up ibook is appalling.

Now, what I really do need is a Man. A chivalrous GENTLEMAN to send me to the doctor and help me hobble around (carrying me will be even better, he can train up his biceps, triceps and what ever ceps). And to lend me his nice comfortable shoulders to whine of the swollen hurting ankle.


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