Friday, September 09, 2005

self medicate

i've been sick the entire day. and slept the day away, so if i haven't reply any of your texts or msn messages or answer your calls, please do pardon me.

the combination of fever, flu and headache has knocked me out even without medication. unfortunately, the sleep hasn't really help to get rid of the ailments.

temporary relief, i need.

too weak to leave my room to get water, or to anywhere else for food and yes, most importantly, parcetomol.

there's no need to trouble people, but just this once, i wish i am taken care of instead. wish there's someone to stay the night with me.

even typing this entry had taken me much of my willpower. the head is pounding. the stomach is growling. the nose is dripping. the body shivering and the roomie's alarm clock is ringing incessantly. wtf.

waste current dragging body legs and all out of bed, and stumble to her clock to turn the damn thing off.

i could just roll over had i been rounder.

wtf, her clock is ringing again, argh.

can't a sick girl just get her rest?


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