Wednesday, November 30, 2005

More fucks

More responsibilities to bear after today's Havoc meeting in school:

1) arranging for bash
2) sourcing for campsites
3) choreographing dance steps for the freshies next year...
4) canvassing for jobs..

4) is an ongoing task for me cos I am the Biz Mag so can't complain about my job scope

Hopefully I will be able to enlist Dell's help for 3)

And 1) and 2) means more liaising for this week since I need to present budget to my main committee by next Tuesday.

God save my tired ass.

Note to self: No more smoking to save throat for caroling practice and minimal drinking to save money. The hole in the pocket is getting bigger. VERY BIG.


I lost my ring! Damn it! And I downloaded a faulty episode of smallville, got video no audio!!! Chao Ka-Li-Pok! Nabei!


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